科目名 | |||
英語(リーディング)【実力養成クラス(中・上級)】B | |||
担当教員名 | |||
井口 篤 | |||
科目設置 | 総合教育科目 | 授業形態 | 夏期スクーリング |
科目種別・類 | 外国語科目/英語 | 単位 | 1 |
キャンパス | 日吉 | 共通開講学部 | - |
設置年度 | 2025 | 授業コード | 22502 |
また、読んだ内容について (口頭および書き言葉の) 英語で表現することにもある程度の時間を割きます。
[1] 授業までに課題の英文を読み、その英文に関するワークシートに取り組む。
[2] 授業中には、少人数のグループに分かれて、ワークシートの設問について議論し合う。
[3] 各回の最後には、読んだ英文の内容についての簡単な英作文をしていただきます。
扱う英文は、以下のものを予定しています (変更する可能性があります)。
・Larissa MacFarquhar, \"Strangers Drowning: Voyagers to the Brink of Moral Extremity\" (London: Allen Lane, 2015), \'Duty! Thou Sublime and Mighty name That Dost Embrace Nothing Charming or Insinuating, but Requirest Submission\', pp. 61-69
・Michael J. Sandel, \"Justice: What\'s the Right Thing to Do?\" (New York: Farrar, Straus and Giroux, 2009), Chapter 9: \'What Do We Owe One Another? Dilemmas of Loyalty\', pp. 209-243
・David Pilling, \"Bending Adversity: Japan and the Art of Survival\" (New York: Penguin, 2014), Chapter 3: \'Shimaguni\', pp. 31-54
・Galen Strawson, \"Things That Bother Me: Death, Freedom, the Self, etc.\" (New York: New York Review of Books, 2018), Chapter 4: \'Luck Swallows Everything\', pp. 92-109
・Julian Baggini, \"The Virtues of the Table: How to Eat and Think\" (London: Granta, 2014), Chapter 8: \'Tear up the Recipes\', pp. 101-108
・Robert Skidelsky and Edward Skidelsky, \"How Much Is Enough? Money and the Good Life\" (New York: Other, 2012), \'Chapter 4: The Mirage of Happiness\', pp. 96-123
Larissa MacFarquhar, "Strangers Drowning: Voyagers to the Brink of Moral Extremity" (London: Allen Lane, 2015), 'Duty! Thou Sublime and Mighty name That Dost Embrace Nothing Charming or Insinuating, but Requirest Submission', pp. 61-69 [1]
Larissa MacFarquhar, "Strangers Drowning: Voyagers to the Brink of Moral Extremity" (London: Allen Lane, 2015), 'Duty! Thou Sublime and Mighty name That Dost Embrace Nothing Charming or Insinuating, but Requirest Submission', pp. 61-69 [2]
Peter Singer, 'The Why and How of Effective Altruism' (TED Talk, 2013)
Michael J. Sandel, "Justice: What's the Right Thing to Do?" (New York: Farrar, Straus and Giroux, 2009), Chapter 9: 'What Do We Owe One Another? Dilemmas of Loyalty', pp. 209-243 [1]
Michael J. Sandel, "Justice: What's the Right Thing to Do?" (New York: Farrar, Straus and Giroux, 2009), Chapter 9: 'What Do We Owe One Another? Dilemmas of Loyalty', pp. 209-243 [2]
David Pilling, "Bending Adversity: Japan and the Art of Survival" (New York: Penguin, 2014), Chapter 3: 'Shimaguni', pp. 31-54 [1]
David Pilling, "Bending Adversity: Japan and the Art of Survival" (New York: Penguin, 2014), Chapter 3: 'Shimaguni', pp. 31-54 [2]
Julian Baggini, "The Virtues of the Table: How to Eat and Think" (London: Granta, 2014), Chapter 8: 'Tear up the Recipes', pp. 101-108 [1]
Julian Baggini, "The Virtues of the Table: How to Eat and Think" (London: Granta, 2014), Chapter 8: 'Tear up the Recipes', pp. 101-108 [2]
Galen Strawson, "Things That Bother Me: Death, Freedom, the Self, etc." (New York: New York Review of Books, 2018), Chapter 4: 'Luck Swallows Everything', pp. 92-109 [1]
Galen Strawson, "Things That Bother Me: Death, Freedom, the Self, etc." (New York: New York Review of Books, 2018), Chapter 4: 'Luck Swallows Everything', pp. 92-109 [2]
Robert Skidelsky and Edward Skidelsky, "How Much Is Enough? Money and the Good Life" (New York: Other, 2012), 'Chapter 4: The Mirage of Happiness', pp. 96-123 [1]
Robert Skidelsky and Edward Skidelsky, \"How Much Is Enough? Money and the Good Life\" (New York: Other, 2012), \'Chapter 4: The Mirage of Happiness\', pp. 96-123 [2]
Review and exam
成績評価は以下の基準で行います。(1) 出席 (20%); (2) 授業参加 [課題・小テスト・グループワークなど] (20%); (3) 試験 (60%)。
本授業は、辞書を使えばアカデミックな英文をなんとか読みこなすことができる (= 細かな文法的指導の必要がない) 方を対象としています。